Monday, February 8, 2010

Digging Out the Car

We spent about 6 hours digging out our cars and some neighbors' cars. It was a bit crazy. Digging out of a parking lot is tricky because you have to put the snow somewhere, and that somewhere shouldn't be behind the car next to you...

Anyhow, we finished digging out our cars just in time. They are predicting another 6-10 inches with the storm that is expected to arrive here tomorrow. Kyle has another snow day tomorrow, and who knows what Wednesday will bring.


  1. My HK friends are fascinated by the snow. NE US storms are in the news even here!! Always thinking of you when they talk about DC :)

    careful driving your newly retrieved vehicle.
    Take care!

  2. Yeah, the storm pretty much shut us down. Kyle is going in to work today for the first time all week. It's so funny to think that there are parts of the world where snow is not the norm during winter. Even in the US.
