Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Happy Birthday to Me

So I am now 24 years old. Yay.

Anyhow, it seems that it will be a long tedious day. I have to take the car into the shop...not cool. We can't afford a major repair if we are going to put a down payment on another car, and we most certainly can't afford two car payments. After that I have to take the bus to Springfield to get fingerprinted for my background check. I also have to have my background check release form notarized...which means finding a notary, and a bus that goes there. If all goes well, I will be able to walk to the post office to mail my application in for the tutoring position I was offered. But it seems these things rarely do.

Kyle won't get home until 7 or so, after which we will go for a run. We've been working on a running program all summer, but have had several setbacks (vacations, work schedules, and sickness) which have kept us from improving as quickly as we would like. Anyhow, we have to be diligent about sticking to the schedule, or we have trouble getting back on track. We might try to enter a fun run this fall if we can find one....but neither one of us has yet to find out what anybody finds fun about running.

He offered to cook dinner in honor of my bday, but I don't know what he is going to make since we are seriously low on groceries...and since the car will be in the shop, I don't think there will be any improvement before tonight. So, I'm thinking it will be leftovers from the freezer. Last time he got home this late and we went running, we didn't eat until almost 9. So maybe there will be time to play a game before going to bed.

Anyhow, I think I will celebrate my birthday on Friday.

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